Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My New Toy

I gave in. After years of longing, I finally pulled the trigger. I have purchased my first ever DSLR camera.

I choose the Canon XS. I do believe it is the best affordable choice out there for me. Also, with the help of my friend Amanda,  I chose this lens to accompany my new camera! My other talented friend/photographer, Jane, posted some of her tips that I am looking forward to putting to use!

I am looking forward to finally be able to learn more about photography. I may even take a photography class. I am excited to use it to take better pictures for this blog and to take pictures of my beautiful nieces!

Here are a few pictures I took with my new camera this weekend!

Cap'n Jack!


My sweet niece, Natalie!

My niece, Maddie
I am lucky I even got this picture. She hasn't been very fond of us
taking pictures of her... probably because we took SO many pictures
of her when she was a baby!


This picture makes me want to draw it. 
Maddie has been the subject of several of my drawings.

Can't wait to learn even more about photography!

Tomorrow I hope to post a blog about my brother's birthday cake! Stay tuned!

♥ Emily

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