Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I have been working hard on a painting for my kitchen! Here's a little sneak peak!

This is a picture I took to base my painting off of. I went to Albertson's to buy some boiled crawfish and had a crawfish photo shoot in my kitchen! FYI: This crawfish was some of the nastiest, weirdest smelling crawfish I have ever seen. I definitely didn't eat any! EWWW!!

I am very close to completing this painting! Hopefully I can show you the finished product in the next couple of weeks!

I have also been busy preparing for my boyfriend Will's birthday next week. I have a great cake planned! So keep an eye out for that post!

I hope everyone is having a lovely summer. I know I am!

That's all for now, but before I go, I want to leave you with this....

I am AEROSMITH FAN OF THE WEEK! Check it out here!

♥ Emily

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