Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Project of the Week: LSU Tutu

I am so happy to announce that two of my best friends, Monica and Josh, just gave birth to a BEAUTIFUL baby girl! I have already done a few projects in honor of this little girl (Check them out HERE). I also wanted to make her something special for when she was born. I decided that she needed a LSU tutu!

It was SUPER easy to do, and didn't cost much at all! And it turned out SO CUTE. I followed the instructions HERE to make the tutu.

I used yellow ribbon.
Trying out the tutu on my bear. :)

While I was visiting the new baby this weekend, we attempted to stick her in the tutu and take some pictures, but she wasn't having any of that! Anytime we tried she would scream! So we are going to try again when she is a little bit older! :)

I did get this sweet picture though... 

If you have a little girl in your life, you have to try this project! So easy and so cute!!!

❤ Emily


  1. She's getting better with being Unswaddled so hopefully we can get some pics soon! Will u send me that pic of her? I dont have it and it's so sweet!

  2. Soooo cute! Congratulations to your friends!
