Friday, July 22, 2011

Project of the Week: Will's Birthday Part 2

Earlier this week,  I did a blog post on Will's birthday cake ( and as promised, here is all the other random birthday surprises I gave him!

I should start from the beginning. We decided to have a Tubing Birthday party for Will, so naturally I had to work on an image for the e-invite I was sending out. Here it is:

The party was on a Saturday, but his birthday was on the Friday before. To celebrate, we decided to go to see the last Harry Potter at midnight! (SUCH a great/sad movie)

When it turned 12am and Will's birthday, I gave him his first birthday surprise. I had been keeping where we were going for his birthday dinner a secret so that Harry could tell him. :)

FYI: Relashio means to release something from constrained or held.
In this case, it was where we would be going to dinner! :)

That's right... I made a Harry Potter card that had a stick of paper meat in it revealing that I was taking Will to Texas De Brazil for dinner.... :) He was SO excited, and it was an amazing meal! YUM!

After the movie, and a few hours of sleep, I started work on the rest of Will's birthday surprises!

First I decorated the house with Happy Birthday signs, beer decorations, his birthday cake and fun balloons!

Then I set up the birthday present I got him. We both love sushi and just started a sushi making class at LSU. For his birthday, I got him a nice sushi plate set, personalized chopsticks and a sushi book. I also got some sushi from Whole Foods for lunch and some cake sushi from Cake Goddess for dessert!

I love these personalized chopsticks I got him!

His parents also helped with the sushi surprise! They gave money so that Will can buy any sushi supplies he will need! I decided to get clever with the money... I made it into a little paper sushi roll!

Last thing I would like to share that I got Will for his birthday was a really neat gift I found called a Capcatcher! It is a bottle opener that catches the caps for you. You can mount it to the wall or stick it on the fridge because it has a magnetic back!

You can personalize it!

Will's birthday went great. I love having someone in my life that I can spoil and do fun stuff like this for! Happy Birthday, Will! I love you!

♥ Emily

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