Fall Wedding Series

Check out my weekly posts featuring projects from my wedding last fall!

My Etsy Shop

Check out the items I have for sale in my shop!

Most Repined on Pinterest

Check out my most popular pin on Pinterest, a cupcake stand!

Friday, November 19, 2010

And I said, "Hey! What's going on?"

So I decided to write a blog just letting everyone know how I am doing, what's going on in my world and what future projects I have up my sleeve.

First things first... I am officially....


That's right I have officially purchased a domain name! Now it will be even easier for people to find me and to share my blog! I also have a new email address (which forwards to the old one so you can still use the old one too). Emily@CreateShareRepeat.com!

Last month I wrote about how I was going to be Dorothy for Halloween! I had my friend Jane take a few pictures of me in my costume with my real life, Toto aka Jack!

Here are a few of the pictures from the session!

We made Will get in there for one pic! A family picture! Minus Kitti!

Check out more of Jane's work here: http://janeypiephotography.com/

I hope y'all don't think I am too big of a dork for dressing up as Dorothy so I could take pictures with my puppy! I also entered work's annual Halloween costume contest as Dorothy. I won second place! I couldn't bring Jack to work so I had find someone else to be Toto....

I have an
Petting Toto's head :)

I know what you are thinking... Where did she get those AWESOME red slippers!! Well, naturally, I made them :) I had some pics of how I made them, but I don't have them on me so maybe I will post them another time!


I have so so so so so so SO many things going on right now that my little brain is having a tough time keeping up with them! Needless to say, I am going to have some pretty great projects to post coming up soon! This weekend is my sister-in-law, Katherine's baby shower. I have been preparing a while for it, and now it's finally come down to the wire. I have two projects that I have been working on that I can't WAIT to show everyone, but that will have to wait till after the shower.

The next week I will be working on Thanksgiving dinner! We are going to Llano, TX to visit Will's family for Thanksgiving this year. We went last year, and I had such a great time. I love the area! It's rocky, hilly and beautiful! I am planning on making FOUR dishes for our visit. My mom's cornbread dressing is one of them. I have never attempted to make it before, but I am very excited to try. It's FABULOUS! I will also be making my mom's seafood gumbo which is even MORE fabulous and which I have also never made. Along with these, I am making Sweet Potato Casserole and some yeast rolls. I am aiming high this year. :)

I also hope to work on a Christmas ornament this weekend. The ornament from the Christmas ornament giveaway! I have been waiting for Pottery Works to get them in, and they arrived this week! I am REALLY excited about the theme of the ornament which I will reveal when I do a post on it in a few weeks!

I don't even want to start THINKING about the month of December yet! It will be even busier than this month! But more fun! AND I will get a new niece or nephew that month!

So keep a look out! I ought to have some REALLY cool post coming up soon! I love the holidays! So many opportunities to be creative!

Happy Early Thanksgiving to everyone!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Help Aiden!

Aiden Castleman

Aiden is the my friend Tiffany's little boy. I have been knowing little Aiden since he was just a little baby, and I have seen how much he has blessed his family. Aiden needs our help now.

Here is his story:

Aiden was born April 27, 2007.

The minute Aiden was born, we knew something hadn’t gone as planned! After birth, Aiden was immediately rushed from the room and placed on a ventilator. He stayed in the NICU for two weeks and we only got to visit him a few times a day. But, that’s all it took to win our hearts!

After that, things seemed to be progressing normally, until Aiden was 3 ½ months old. He began having small seizures in clusters of 15-20 multiple times an hour.

We eventually learned that he had a rare condition called infantile spasms. He was also later diagnosed with cerebral palsy due to a lack of oxygen during the birth and medical error. We knew we had a long journey ahead of us!

Aiden is now 3 years old and we take life one day at time!

Although he’s full of life and brightens our day with the slightest laugh or smile, everyday tasks can be a struggle.

Due to the conditions Aiden has, and the effects of medications, he is severely delayed. Aiden does not walk, talk, or feed himself. Each day is like taking care of a young infant the size of a 3 year old!
Also, these effects have caused his body structure to start to form abnormally.

In the last year, Aiden has been taken off ALL seizure medications!! Although he still has a few seizures, they are minimal compared to the amount we previously saw. This has allowed Aiden to advance his motor skills and respond to stimuli like never before.

Now that he is advancing, we have to correct the effects of lost time and begin to help Aiden grow and continue to gain new skills and abilities!

Due to the Aiden’s condition, his hips have begun to turn out abnormally. In order to correct this, there are 2 options. First, if not corrected quickly, Aiden will have to have his hip joints broken and repositioned by spica full body casting.

The second option is to purchase a special bike that exercises his hips and legs in the correct position and makes them stronger as well as forming the correct posture and body positioning.
This bike costs almost $4000 to purchase but will correct the problem and prevent surgery!
Due to the high cost and urgency of the situation, we are asking for the assistance of our family and friends!

We are doing a fundraiser selling candles, food mixes, and gift wrap in order to raise money to purchase the special bike for Aiden. Our goal to be able to get him the equipment by January 1st, 2011 in order to prevent Aiden from having surgery!

Click here to download the pdf of the fundraiser items they are selling. If you would like to purchase anything, send me an email at emily@createsharerepeat.com!

Also, if you would like to donate directly to Aiden, visit aidencastleman.blogspot.com.

Thanks in advance for helping this little boy!


Project of the Week: Chicken and Sausage Gumbo

Now when it comes to gumbo, I am a HUGE critic. This is because, as some of you know, my mom makes the BEST gumbo! Her chicken and sausage gumbo is awesome, but nothing compares to her seafood gumbo. I grew up watching her make her gumbos. I taste other gumbo's from restaurants, and they just aren't my mom's! I saw this quote recently, and I couldn't help but think how TRUE it is!!!

"Remember, no matter how far you roam, a little scent of a roux in the air will always remind you there's no place like home." -Louisiana Cookin' Magazine

When I got older, I was determined to be able to make a gumbo as well as my mom's. I think I finally succeeded!  I haven't attempted the famous seafood gumbo yet because it's so expensive to make, but I can do a pretty awesome chicken and sausage gumbo!

We had a gumbo cook off at work, and I knew I HAD to enter! I made a chicken and sausage gumbo. There were 5 volunteer judges, and 5 contestants. I won 2nd! Now... I thought I would be upset that I didn't win first. Since I KNOW my mom's gumbo is the best, and since I can make it now, I think MINE is the best!! ;) But people came back for seconds of mine, and I had some say I should have won! So that made me happy! Plus, the winner had more of a seafood gumbo. I think the shrimp helped her win!

Here are some pictures from the cookoff:

Me sitting with my gumbo

Getting ready to serve!

Gumbo for the judges


My boss eating gumbo :)

So I was going to explain how to create this yummy gumbo of mine, but after much gumbo conversation on Facebook with my family and friends, it has been concluded that I shouldn't give away ALL my secrets! As my mom said, "Just remember, what happens in our kitchens, stays in our kitchens." Fine, fine... Mom, I won't go into detail on how to master your yummy gumbo. I will give a few details and pictures though!!


Vegetable oil
Chicken Stock
Green Onions
Tony's Creole Seasoning
Garlic Powder

Before I show you my pictures, I needed to make THIS known. I make my roux from scratch. Nothing out the jar. REAL roux. Making a roux is an art. You have to have the right temperature, the right quantities, the right timing. If you make yours from a jar or box or whatever, you may not want to tell me because I will pick on you. Just kidding. :) If I come of snotty about my gumbo, you can blame my mom. It's HER fault! :)

Here are the pictures from my gumbo cooking!

TRINITY! Plus garlic ;)

I love my "chop chop"!

Onions got a bit too intense for my eyes.
I had to put on my awesome, new tiger shades!

Boil that chicken!

And it begins... the ROUX!

Pretty light...

A bit darker...



JUST right! (It was a bit darker in person!)

Add those veggies!

Chop that sausage!

Shred that chicken off those bones!

Put everything in a pot.
Let the magic begin!

It all fit perfectly in the crock pot for the gumbo cook off!

MMMM... Guys, it was really good. I think I am doing my mama proud!

Today I have been asked to make a seafood gumbo for my boyfriend's family during our stay in Texas over Thanksgiving. THAT makes me nervous. I feel confident that I can do it though, but I sure do hope it comes out as good as my mom's!

If you have any questions about my gumbo, let me know. I will decide if I will tell you or not! :)


Monday, November 8, 2010

Project of the Week: Baby Shower Invite

I have a new niece or nephew due on December 30th! We are kind of hoping he or she will make its appearance BEFORE Christmas... not ON or after!!

I have been knowing the baby's mama, Katherine, since high school. I got to throw her a Bridal Shower two years ago, and this year I am throwing her a baby shower! It's been a little difficult not knowing if it is a boy or girl. I have to make sure things stay neutral! I am going with an animal/fall theme. I think it's going to turn out very nice.

Since being a graphic designer is my occupation, naturally I was going to design the invitation myself. Here it is (Names and address have been changed for privacy):

I love love LOVE making invitations. I love being able to customize them to the occasion and person! Let me know if you have an event coming up and would like a customized invitation! I would be happy to make them! Christmas is coming up soon and people like to send out custom holiday cards! I can do those too! If anyone is interested, email me at createsharerepeat@gmail.com.

I have a couple of cool baby shower projects coming up that I will be posting in a couple of weeks! One will be a cake! I started cake classes again this past Thursday, and will have one every week until mid December! I am excited to be learning again!

Happy Monday!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I won! I won! I won!!

Okay, so I have been knowing this for awhile now, but I wanted to wait to it was officially announced to tell you... I won a t-shirt contest!!!

Check it out here!

If you remember last month, I posted that I entered a t-shirt design contest. The contest was for BREADA, a non-profit, parent organization of both Main Street Market and the Red Stick Farmers Markets which are located right across the street from the building I work in Downtown Baton Rouge.

The contest theme was “Buy Fresh Buy Local." Designs could include Louisiana fruits, vegetables, seafood, market items, or farm life. I did my design the day before it was due. I wasn't going to do it at first, but since I go to the market almost daily, I figured I might as well give it a shot. I submitted my design, and about a week later I got an email... not saying I won... but that they wanted changes to the design. I was thinking ...ooooookay? If I am making changes, I better win!

First design submitted

Final design after changes. They wanted outlines of vegetables in the back.
All I could think was why didn't I think of that? LOL... That's what I get
for being so last minute!

After I submitted the final design, I got an email back a week later saying that I did win! I won a free
t-shirt, a market bag, and $50 in market tokens!

I was told yesterday that they are changing the colors of my design though. They want it to be more "Fall" colors for this time of year. I am not too fond of the change. Maybe it will look better on the shirt...

Check out the Red Stick Farmers Market on Saturdays from 8am-12pm! It's located on the corner of 5th St. and Main St. There are lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and every first Saturday there are arts and crafts too! You can buy my shirt while you are there!! :)


Right next to the Red Stick Farmers Market is the Main Street Market. This is where I go many days of the work week. Check out the pumpkin muffin at Charlie's Coffee, the wraps at FRESH Salads and Wraps, or the chicken salad at Taste of Downtown. DELICIOUS!!!!


Have a happy Wednesday!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Christmas Ornament Giveaway: We have a WINNER!

Check out the video to see me draw the winning name!!

Congrats, Mrs. Paulette! And to everyone else, thank you for signing up for my contest! I had 32 entries for my contest! Check back in a few weeks to see how Mrs. Paulette's ornament turns out!

By the way, I found out this morning that Pottery Works (the place I was planning to do my ornament at) is reopening in a new location. A couple of weeks ago I was told that it was shutting down for good. I am confused why all of a sudden it's opening back up, but happy they will still be around! They actually moved closer to me! Less that 5 minutes away! How exciting! 

If you are interested in painting pottery, check out these locations in Baton Rouge!

Pottery Works
9380 Old Hammond Hwy., Ste. D. (Across from Hammond Aire Shopping Center -Burlington Coat Factory, Stein Mart, Albertsons, etc.- in the Hammond Square Shopping Center where Jambalaya is located)
The new location is set to open November 6th!

Artistico Express
1962 O'Neal Lane (Shopping center by the Rave Theater)

Check them out! You'll find that painting pottery is so much fun! Especially for kids! And for making custom presents!

Happy Holidays!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Project of the Week: Pumpkin Carving!

This past weekend Will and I decided to have some friends over for the LSU football game and hang out. Since I wanted it to be Halloween themed, we carved pumpkins while we watched the game!

Last year was my first time ever carving a pumpkin. I wanted fun pattern to put on my pumpkin. I found the website www.zombiepumpkins.com. There are some really cool patterns on there! This is my pumpkin I did last year.

Will's did the one with the mean face and
I did the Michael Jackson Thriller one

Will and I with our pumpkins last year

Here are the pictures from our pumpkin carving this year!

Will and our friends Lam and Kimberly getting ready to carve their pumpkins.
Chuck supervised.
Will cutting the top of his pumpkin with a POWERTOOL
while Chuck held it. It actually worked really well!
Lam cut the top of his pumpkin the old fashioned way! ;)

Lam and Kimberly taking out all the gross stuff!
I cleaned out my pumpkin on the ground!
Will looking a bit too excited about his pumpkin! ;)

My pumpkin with the pattern taped on it. Gizmo came to supervise!!
Don't worry... I didn't get him wet or feed him after midnight!
Will, Lam and Kimberly hard at work!... It really WAS hard!
After lots of carving AND afters parts of the
pumpkin falling off when they shouldn't have
AND after super gluing those parts back on...
I was done with my Gizmo!
Will and I with our pumpkins! He did the Ghostbusters logo!
Gizmo all lite up!
Kimberly's pumpkin... Who can guess that this
supposed to be? :)

 We had a lot of fun with these! I hope to make it a yearly tradition at our house! :)

Reminder: 5 days until I draw the winning name for my Christmas Ornament Giveaway!

Leave a comment below to sign up or email me at createsharerepeat@gmail.com!

I have some good news I hope to be posting later or tomorrow! I am very excited about it.. so stay tuned!!!

Have a happy Wednesday! God Bless!


Monday, October 25, 2010

CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT GIVEAWAY! Less than one week left!

Email me at createsharerepeat@gmail.com, 
or leave your name in the comments below to sign up!

So Friday I went to Pottery Works, the location where I was planning to paint the ornament I am giving away, to see if the ornaments came in yet. As I drove up I saw a big CLOSING written on the door... and not only did it say it was closing, it said it was closing in TWO DAYS from then. So naturally, I freaked out a bit! I was giving away an ornament in just over a week! What to do? What to do? So I got on google, looked up some more pottery places, and found one on O'Neal Lane. I went straight there to see what they had. I walked in to find a pile of large, round, blank ornaments.... I was SO relieved!

I am so sad that Pottery Works is closing! I have gone there for several years! Thankfully, there is Artistico Express! Check them out here: http://www.artisticoexpress.com/.  They are located in the shopping center close to the Rave Theater. Painting pottery is SO much fun! I recommend it to everyone! Even if you aren't artistic! My boyfriend (who is an engineer and not really artistic) loved painting pottery and wants to go back!

Please sign up for my drawing! Tell others about it too! You don't have to know what you want on it! We can figure that out later, or I can come up with something for you!

Have a happy Monday everyone! I will be posting my project of the week soon so keep a look out!
